segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

Andreia Nº10

Vim aqui mostrar-vos o verniz que usei esta semana, é o Andreia nº10.

Este é um vermelho verdadeiro, nem muito claro nem muito escuro.
É desta marca que tenho mais vernizes e gosto deles pois são mais baratos, mas penso que os vernizes da Essie, Bourjois e da OPI duram um pouco mais tempo nas minhas unhas.

Produtos utilizados:
- Base da Andreia
- Andreia Nº10
- Top Coat Kiss
- OPI Chip Skip

Hi everyone!
This is the nail polish I'm using this week. It's a nice bright red nail polish from the portuguese brand Andreia, that belongs to Higicol.
I really like this nail polish brand because they have a wide range of colors and their nail polishes are good and cheap.
They have the same amount of ml OPI's nail polishes have and they are half the price.
I actually think the Essie, OPI and Bourjois nail polishes are just a little bit better because they do last longer on my nails.
I also used the OPI's Start to Finish nail polish that is a base and a top coat in just one nail polish. I think this is more like a base coat than actually a top coat but it's really good and it's practical.
Products used:

- Andreia Base Coat
- Andreia Nº10
- Kiss Top Coat
 OPI Chip Skip


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